Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Disney character I would be...

Strength. Courage. Power. Leadership. These define Mufasa, from the Lion King, who I would compare myself most to. Mufasa shows his power through fending off the hyenas and Scarface. He stands proudly in front of Scar to protect Simba. When Mufasa takes Simba for a walk, he tells him about the other animals and the circle of life. He explains that one day he will not be around, and his son would have to take over the leadership of the pack. To show his courage and strength, Mufasa saved Simba from a herd of stampeding wildebeest, upon which Mufasa died.
My leadership and strength is shown on and off the baseball field. I work hard to prove myself each and every day. I have courage through every day life. I keep myself as happy as I can, or atleast show that I am happy. And even when I am hurt, I go out and perform to the best that I can. I do not let a pack of hyenas or an evil lion stop me from what I need to get done in life. I protect my friends and family and stand up for them, even if they can not always be there for me.

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